
Intentional Living with
Damian Devonish

To Become Better, I Must Practice Intentionality. 

Helping you integrate the many parts of yourself into
One Harmonized Whole.

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Intentional Living with
Damian Devonish

To Become Better, I Must Practice Intentionality. 

Helping you integrate the many parts of yourself into
One Harmonized Whole.

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For me, your development is personal!

After years of helping my clients who struggle with addictions, depression, anxiety, trauma related challenges, and marital conflicts - I have accepted their challenge: 

"Damian, please, create courses so that more people in need can benefit the way we did." What started as a quest to help coach individuals through their darkest times has turned into a system that has helped hundreds of my clients confidently show up in their lives like never before.

Read my story

Grow through what you go through.


"Anxiousness and depressions overtook my life for years because of my history of trauma- I thought there was no hope. However, having met Damian he helped me to regain emotional control."

- Jessica

"Trapped in addiction for 12 years, Damian helped me to implement daily principles that broke my addiction and depression."

- Rick

"As a couple on the brink of divorce after 18 years of marriage, Damian's wisdom guided us back to loving each other again, saving our family."

- Paul and Kim


Resources for every stage of the journey

Online Courses

Take a self-guided journey with weekly interactive lessons.

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DIY Guides

Learn actionable skills you can easily use to improve your daily life.

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Get started with one of our courses

8 Steps To A Healthy Marriage


“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer

In this course, we will be focusing on enhancing marriages via a Christian lens. You are assured, that whether or not you identify as being a Christian the content of this course will significantly improve your understanding of the institution of marriage and will offer you guidance for improvement and tools for implementation.

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8 Steps For Coping With Personal Challenges


The key to emotional regulation is learning how to control those things that we can, and in so doing, that allows us to become buoyant when facing those things that we cannot control.

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Understanding Addictions Through A Trauma Lens


The pain that the addict feels has at its core, the unmet needs of the inner child. Therefore, the needs of the inner child must be addressed: protection, an opportunity to grow emotionally, and an understanding of purpose.

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